Monte Bello Lodge #10
Meeting Notes
November 24, 2019

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Good Morning Good Brothers,

Our meeting went well, and we missed those who could not make it. We had twelve brothers in attendance. Shirts were handed out to those in attendance, and we have shirts for those not in attendance. If you were not in attendance, please check with either Dan Howard, Hermon Graham, or myself to choose a time to get your shirt. At the meeting we discussed the Prattville Lodge and helping those brothers get their Lodge activity again. Don Stamm, the Supreme Inner Guard, will be visiting Alabama to meet with some of our members and William Frey, other current members of the Prattville Lodge, and prospective members to help get the ball rolling. Brother Hermon will be speaking with Brother Don next week to work on some dates for a possible meeting. All of the Monte Bello Lodge members wishing to attend will be welcome, and all will encouraged to attend.

Our next meeting is on Monday, December 9th, beginning at 11:30 a.m. However beyond that it will not be our usual meeting format. It is a fellowship luncheon for Lodge members, their family and friends and does not include a business meeting. Special entertainment will be provided. Anyone wishing to attend this luncheon and wanting to meet with the Lodge members informally is welcome. This will be the last meeting for our lodge this year. Next year's meetings will follow this year's protocol, with the meetings being the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at the Mongolian Grill with lunch beginning at 11:30 AM, followed by the business meeting and other appropriate business. Our first meeting in 2020 will be Monday, January 13th. Happy Thanksgiving and I hope everyone has a great one. Don't eat too much turkey lol. Hope to see each of you at our luncheon on the ninth.

With Warm Regards,

Brother Steve

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