Supreme Chancellor's Welcome — The Knights of Pythias

Supreme Chancellor's Welcome

Donald Stamm
Supreme Chancellor

To all Pythians and Friends,

Welcome to the Knights of Pythias. If the Order is new to you, explore this site to learn more. Go to “ASK US A QUESTION” for more information. The Knights of Pythias offers tremendous potential for friendship, lifelong close relationships, and opportunities for community service, all extremely fulfilling. Additionally, you can grow your confidence with us if you seek opportunities to grow as a leader.

The non-sectarian Order is based on the principles of Friendship, Charity, and Benevolence through community service. It was founded on February 19, 1864, by Justus H. Rathbone in Washington, D, C., in part to help bring the country together after the Civil War. The legendary friendship of Damon and Pythias from Greek mythology is fundamental to the Order. President Lincoln wished initial members well upon learning its purposes. Presidents McKinley, Harding, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were members, with the last being initiated in the White House in February 1936.

The Order is three-tiered, national and international, Supreme Lodge, state and province, grand lodges, and local, subordinate lodges, existing in the United States, Canada, Italy, England, and the Philippines. Interested in joining? Go to “ASK ABOUT MEMBERSHIP.” There are also three auxiliary orders, the Pythian Sisters and Pythian Sunshine Girls, the Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, known as the fun order, the Nomads of Avrudaka, and the Junior Order. Please see the Related Organizations link above for information about our auxiliaries.

The Knights of Pythias is committed to benefiting the public, with community service being the means for Friendship, Charity, and Benevolence, and it strongly promotes volunteer service.

Membership application is available for anyone over 18 who believes in a Supreme Being. Many candidates for membership come as a referral. Many families boast several generations of members!

Support of our troops and veterans is longstanding, as is the commitment to youth welfare. Programs support Scouting and recognizing Eagle Scouts, promote reading for first- and second-grade students, and a high school poster contest. The charity of the Order is the Alzheimer Association.

Hopefully, you will join us with the potential for lasting friendships and unlimited opportunities to improve the quality of life limited only by imagination.

We promote diversity and how it strengthens us and are “Friends Working Together for a Better Community.”

Donald Stamm
Supreme Chancellor