Boy Scouts of America — The Knights of Pythias

The Fraternal Order of Knights of Pythias is a partner of the Boy Scouts of America. Our subsidiary lodges are encouraged to sponsor Scout units.
We would be pleased to supply a certificate and patch to Eagle Scouts in recognition of their accomplishment.


The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations, providing programs for young people that build character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.

For more than 100 years, Boy Scouts of America has helped build future leaders by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun.

The Foundation of Scouting

Scout Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Scout Mission: The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Boy Scout Website

Recognized Eagle Scout Projects

Many Pythian brothers involved in the Scouting program have commented that some Eagle candidates need coaching to come up with their Eagle project. The list of 450 Eagle Scout projects that have been undertaken by other Scouts is intended to help give an Eagle candidate an idea of what kinds of projects could be performed.

Please note that the projects listed were approved at the local level by the Scout's District or Council. The appropriateness of a similar project may or not be approved by another District or Council. If in doubt, please check with the person in your District or Council who is in charge of approving Eagle Projects.

  1. Project: Cleaned up auto shop at Brighton High School and painted safety zones around machinery.

  2. Project: Scout built the first two raised planter beds of the Cragmont School Garden, which included weeding, clearing, grading, fundraising, advertising and supervising over 200 hours of volunteer service. Scout is continuing on the garden now as part of his Senior Project at his high school.

  3. Project: A new 8 foot light sign was given as memorial gift to the church. Jim was responsible for the planning and installing the sign by building a brick foundation.

  4. Project: Construction of landscaped wood planters plantings, sprinklers, post fencing and refurbish wood constructed seating benches at Moiola School at F.V.

  5. Project: He built 36 blue bird houses for the city parks department

  6. Project: Community service for U.S. Bicentennial

  7. Project: Supervised the installation of 4 pieces of fitness equipment at Dover Ridge Park.

  8. Project: He supervised the transcription of over 600 tombstones at Oak Island Cemetery, and presented copies of the cemetery survey to the local genealogical society, the church, and the cemetery association. He also completed the paperwork to have the cemetery designated an Historic Texas Cemetery.

  9. Project: Building an outdoor classroom for use by the public for recreation use.

  10. Project: Book and toy drive to benefit the children at Strong Memorial Hospital

  11. Project: Collection of goods for Oesterlen services, which is an organization for Troubled teens in the Springfield, Ohio surrounding area.

  12. Project: Soil Conservation Project at Wildlife Waystation

  13. Project: Cleaned, renovated, and re-striped the parking area and facilities of the First Baptist Church of Palatka

  14. Project: Building of a outdoor information board and covering the area with mulch.

  15. Project: Working w/the Catholic Diocese of Richmond Borough school supplies to a Catholic sponsored orphanage in Hinche Haiti. Collected over a TON of supplies.

  16. Project: Constructed a large (8' x 6' x 7') portable cage for the Bird Treatment & Learning Center of Anchorage, AK.

  17. Project: Developed a "FantasyLand" garden for his high school, with trees, flowers, a pond, stream, waterfall, benches, swings, outdoor statuary,etc.

  18. Project: Trail restoration and water run off control for Placerita Canyon's Ecology Trail.

  19. Project: Repainting the parking lot at The Temple of Avhat Shalom.

  20. Project: Connor collected books from the Santa Monica community for an underpriveleged library in South Central Los Angeles. He focused on children's books for their reading program, and was able to deliver over 17,000 books this April.

  21. Project: Scout's Eagle service project was a very successful collection of shoes and socks to benefit the homeless of Santa Monica through the Ocean Park Access Center. Perhaps as many as 1,000 pairs of shoes were collected and donated to the Center which helps the homeless people in our area improve their situation.

  22. Project: Building brace supports for the Lincoln Middle School Drama Department

  23. Project: Airway Heights Park and Recreation Safety Modification and Beautification

  24. Project: Scout organized the restoration of a very old (almost 200 year old) cemetary at St. Mathew's Evangelical Church. Both the church and the cemetery are county and national historic sites. He restored grave stones that had been vandalized or simply overgrown in places; repaired the old stone stairway leading to the graveyard from the road; replaced the damaged handrail along the stairway; and did some general cleaning up of the undergrowth and tree trimming on the grounds and around the grave stones.

  25. Project: Scout organized the cleaning up of the Patterson Twp. Community Park and the restoration of a small amphitheater with a fire pit.

  26. Project: An environmental project to bar vehicular traffic from a forested area that had been designated as an Arbor trail. The project efforts erected a fence, a sign labeling the area as an Arbor Trail, and added mulch to over 50 trees in the overused area of the arbor trail's forest.

  27. Project: Painting the classrooms at the South Bay Presbyterian Church - Torrance, CA

  28. Project: Scout led scouts and adults in restoring the vestry office in his church.

  29. Project: He led scouts and adults in restoring the local community theater.

  30. Project: Scout collected articles for a Auction and garage sale to raise money for Interfaith Caregivers a progam to help pay for transportation for persons of critical care to appointments and treatments, were there is no other way of getting there.

  31. Project: Increased the area and increased the number of blood donors in Manatee County. He arranged for new blood drives in parts of the county and passed out fliers to get new donors in new areas of the county.

  32. Project: Landscaped a court yard at Webb Elementary School for Teachers and Students to use. Cut out and built 3 picnic tables Cut out and built 2 Benches Made a flower bed around one tree and planted flowers. Cleaned a storm drainage path that runs through the court yard.

  33. Project: Install suspended ceilings at the local Grange hall-meeting room And Kitchen area. This improved the looks as well as helped with there ability to heat the rooms.

  34. Project: Painted large-scale map in elementary school playground for use of geography classes.

  35. Project: Scout collected enough personal hygiene articles to put together over 75 personal hygienic kits which were donated to the Orlando Rescue Mission.

  36. Project: Developed a take-home book library for an inner city Memphis school. Coordinated over 168 hours of volunteer effort in a book drive that collected over 2,100 books.

  37. Project: Patrick constructed a regulation sand volleyball court for a local youth camp.

  38. Project: Greg supervised to building of Bluebird houses for Black Hawk park. These were used to replace houses destroyed during flooding in the park in 1999.

  39. Project: Trail Restoration at Red Rock National Recreational Area. 70 Scouts removed trails that people had made and planted native plants where the trail was. Even though I am his father, it was an excellent project!

  40. Project: Removed a old chicken wire fence on the top of a steep hill and replaced it with 150' of chain link fencing. Trimed trees, removed brush and dead trees, planted a new tree and grass seed on the Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church property by the nursery school emergency exit. Buried a drainage pipe and rebuilt a stone retaining wall.

  41. Project: Upgrade the lighting for the local Grange hall.

  42. Project: Build Nature Trail near Robbinston school so children of the future can enjoy nature as much as Darren does.

  43. Project: Planted a Hedge Row for the Interfaith Hospitality Network Housing area in Ashton Wood Subdiv., Fayetteville, NC

  44. Project: Landscaped the front of a very neglected middle school for less privileged youth. Sowed, laid out, planted, and maintained.

  45. Project: I made the effort to include the citizens in my community help with the creation of personnel hygiene kits for the homeless men and women in my city

  46. Project: Ryan helped the Fountain Hill American Legion Post place American Flags at Veterans Graves and collect the old flags. He also ran a public collection of American flags no longer fit for display and then held a Flag Retirement Ceremony where 813 flags, including 623 from Veterans Graves were retired, one at a time.

  47. Project: Cody planned and built benches for Bryant Elementary and kindergarten playgrounds

  48. Project: Designed and built three benches for the playground area at the local Boys and Girls Club

  49. Project: He refurbished the inside and outside of the grotto for the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the grounds of Sts. Philip & James Parish

  50. Project: Design and install a walkway in the lot adjacent to Church

  51. Project: Major cleanup and new trails put in at National Park. Support trails renovated also.

  52. Project: Built rolling gardens for senior citizens to do gardening work at nursing home. The idea being if the patient could not go to the garden, the garden could be brought to the patient.

  53. Project: Local elementary school repair and beautification. The chain link fences were repaired and fortified. The area around the school yard was cleaned up of debris, bushes were trimmed and trees were pruned. End result was an area school children could play in safety.

  54. Project: For his Eagle Service Project, Michael planned and coordinated the creation of a hiking trail along with campfire ring with benches on the property of Camp Wildwood, which is run by Wildwood Programs, an organization that assists people throughout the Albany, New York Capital Region with neurological problems.

  55. Project: A wooden gazebo 16'tall, 16' length by 16' wide. A wooden deck floor with 2 entrances 6' wide each, north 7 south of each other. The other 6 sides have 6' benches each, with a back to lean against. It has a cedar bark roof & steps at both entrances. It has a path going up to the Wilmore Free Methodit Church it was built for, to be used for classes, weddings, reunions, picnics, etc. He got his Eagle 6/29/98.

  56. Project: He built a prayer walk for the Wilmore Free Methodist Church. It starts out the back door of the church with an embedded wooden framework dugout & filled with gravel, then the same type of steps going down the hill, then a bridge part across the creek & steps down to a garden area. The path is 4'to 5'wide & is about 100' long. He got his Eagle 4/20/99.

  57. Project: Elementary School outdoor picnic area

  58. Project: 25 foot retaining wall and bench at Camp Alvernia

  59. Project: He designed, built and installed 4 large information Keyouses for the Red Rock area. It took over 500 man hours and $2000 dollars to complete.

  60. Project: He cleared and marked a hiking trail in the Woods of Arden Heights.

  61. Project: I landscaped an area of public land around a bike trail. I have lived in that area for many years and it looked so bad. So I asked the city of Dickinson to plant trees and shrubs around the bike trail.

  62. Project: Playground and picnic area for the church

  63. Project: Observation Deck overlooking the mineral springs at Whitewater State Park

  64. Project: Fenced playground for church

  65. Project: Dressing Room for Christian Community School

  66. Project: Courtyard Garden for local nursing home

  67. Project: Basketball court for neighborhood youth program

  68. Project: Richmond area Blood Drive

  69. Project: Community Nature Trail

  70. Project: Cleaned up a portion of land owned by the BLM that was used as a dump site for many years. Jason had 15 Scouts and 12 adults to help work on the clean up. They spent 2 days working and camping on the site. They removes two 40 cubic yard dumpsters full of material and 2 old cars.

  71. Project: For his Project he cleaned and painted the Medical First Aid Building at the Lake Louise Methodist Church Camp.

  72. Project: Blood Drive

  73. Project: Food Drive

  74. Project: Clean-up and upgrade of Wilderness Park in Pompton Lakes

  75. Project: Him and another Eagle scout put in 100 hours of community service and helped build 100 benches for a local park.

  76. Project: Gathered clothing and cash donations of over $20,000 for needy young people.

  77. Project: For his Eagle Service Project, Steven wanted to do something that would be of benefit to his church, our Troops sponsoring organization. He planned and coordinated the clearing and leveling of land behind Pine Grove United Methodist Church and the building of handicap-accessible picnic tables.

  78. Project he fixed up a playground by doing maintenance work and painting.

  79. Project: Landscaped and built a Genizah for the burial of unusable religious articles at the North Shore Jewish Center. Constructed flower boxes, benches and frame around burial site.

  80. Project: Replacement of railroad tie stairs in West Hills Park.The woodland path was in a state of disrepair. New stairs were needed because of natural changes in the elevation of the path.

  81. Project: Rebuilt an unsafe porch and stairway that serve as an emergency exit for a local church.

  82. Project: Produced 9 arcade games for the church to use with their youth ministry and outreach programs. This project saved the church $2,500. Service hours = 275 and cost the scout $1,200 which came from donations, contributions and the scouts own "scout fund".

  83. Project: Tino worked on two bird refuges planting trees and weeding around habitat to allow grasses to grow for the birds.

  84. Project: repainted a sherman tank that sits in front of AMVETS that has been a real eye sore for our community.

  85. Project: Painting over graffiti in five different community locations.

  86. Project: Made a sidewalk that would connect to another walkway for the church so people would not slip and fall in the wet grassy area.

  87. Project: Environmental cleanup and beautification of Santapoque Creek.

  88. Project: Painting seat belt safety messages on entrance and exit driveways of local businesses to spread seat belt awareness.

  89. Project: An existing rugged foot trail was replaced by stairs and a wider trail with rails for safety and a the top of the trail a view spot was cleared and a bench installed.

  90. Project: Beautification of Wilcox Park in Milford Connecticut, cleared existing growth and planted native bushes and trees.

  91. Project: Retired over 300 American and State flags by a ceremony and retired them in the fire. Collected all over including a lot from the Veterans of Foreign Wars

  92. Project: Constructed drinking fountain for city recreation park.

  93. Project: Constructed fire pit for school recreation area.

  94. Project: Constructed sidewalk for Handicap at local school for gifted children.

  95. Project: Cleaned and repainted bleachers at the Gooding high school football field.

  96. Project: The Cedar Grove Cemetery had been in disrepair and almost forgotten Benjamin organized a complete clean up and repair of several of the headstones that were broken

  97. Project: Eric project consisted of clearing out debris left from construction work at North Olmsted United Methodist Church. Once the debris was cleared, they had to Rake, Dig, and Till the area. Then they put down topsoil and planted grass, moved and planted shrubs and also cleaned out and mulched the flower beds.

  98. Project: David cleared and maintains a nature trail in a portion of the Martinsville city park, Jimmy Nash Park. This area of the park was previously inaccessible to the public. He also installed signs along the trail to inform hikers of the type of trees and other various plants.

  99. Project: Flag retirement ceremony. Properly retiring over 255 American flags on November 11, 2001

  100. Project: renovated shed and landscaped at United Methodist Church.

  101. Project: The project participants went to the homes of several elderly citizens and marked their personal property with their individual identification number. This will aid in recovery if the property is stolen or destroyed. He also provided the occupant with a record of marked property to be maintained by the home owner.

  102. Project: Built an 8'x4' Wooden sign and Landscaped the front of building with pine trees and schrubs for the Kenosha County Humane Society.

  103. Project: Mike organized a group that pulled Trapa Natans(Water Chestnut), an invasive plant from a section of the Nashua River in Pepperell. He also provided community awareness through a display board and handout.

  104. Project: Built a stairway from the top of a steep hill, leading down to the dock and boats at Camp Alvernia.

  105. Project: Built a planter around the flagpole at Fleet's Cove Beach in Centerport.

  106. Project: Jason constructed and erected bat houses for the Cleveland Metropark. This provided additional habitat for the native Brown Bat population as well as a means of naturally controlling the mosquito population found in the surrounding marsh areas.

  107. Project: Repair and rebuild one of the oldest cemeteries in the Rochester Area

  108. Project: William sought out donations of American Flags (80-90) and installed them in classrooms at the new middle school. He also made and installed plaques showing the names of those who donated flags.

  109. Project: Cleaning, Painting and stenciling "No Dumping Flows to the Bay" on 54 Storm drains in the scouts city.

  110. Project: Community service project. Painting a church.

  111. Project: Painted, repaired and modified the playground equipment of his churches daycare center.

  112. Project: Painted, repaired and cleaned up a historical cemetery located in Bethalto, Illinois

  113. Project: Clothing drive for Bosnian Refugees

  114. Project: Marlboro NJ made a trail in a park so visitors can walk and search for fossils.

  115. Project: Jason organized and led a group of 13 scouts to clean up a section of the Metro Parks. They removed debris, pruned trees, and cleaned the area. The Metro Park's maintenance crew was very grateful for the time spent improving the environment.

  116. Project: Painting and Clean-up of grounds at The Slovian Cultural Center and Church in Lemont, IL.

  117. Project: Refurbished the storage room in the basement of the Church, to provide an organized, safe and clean environment.

  118. Project: Prepared COPE course for Utah Boys Ranch.

  119. Project: Reconstruction of a self-guided trail at Helmer Nature Center

  120. Project: Michael constructed a brick walkway and platform with a park bench in front of the existing flagpole at Meridian Fire Hall. They landscaped the area and planted more shrubbery. This area will be used by Meridian Fire Dept. as a place to conduct ceremonies, or just a place to sit and reflect.

  121. Project: Improvements were made along a trail bordering the Quinapoxet River, involving repair and control of erosion damage, trail safety improvements, and new seedling plantings. A staircase was constructed, providing safe and easy access. A total of 580 hours was spent in the planning and execution of the project.

  122. Project: Refencing and renovation of a large outdoor playground for a preschool/church. Included construction and renovation of over 300 linear feet of fence, renovation of 4 playground items and construction of 3 others.

  123. Project: Ryan led the construction of 2 park style benches and 2 garden arbors to sit over them for patrons of the East Lake Community Library to have an outdoor sitting area on a previously installed brick patio.

  124. Project: Andy's Eagle Service Project was to build a swingset for the co-op nursery school which operates at Novi Methodist Church. The project took over 200 hours of time to complete with the help of friends, family and troop members. Andy also spruced up the nursery school's playground and play equipment, including staining the playhouse, painting several pieces of equipment and weeding out the play areas. Coincidentally, the nursery school that the project was done for was the very same nursery school that Andy and his sisters attended, so he was able to give back to an organization that he once attended, as well as help out at the church that sponsors his troop. The swingset is a permanent reminder of his Eagle Service Project.

  125. Project: Finishing the trail on the side of a city monument.

  126. Project: Helped check and installed child restrain seats in cars for children

  127. Project: Trail identification at Blakeley State Historic Park

  128. Project: Alex built a 15 x 20 ft. brick patio with necessary landscaping at the David Conklin House, a historical landmark owned by the Huntington Historical Society.

  129. Project: A collection of wish list items for Hope's Door which is a Women's Shelter for victims of domestic abuse.

  130. Project: Beautification and preservation project of trees whose branched are used in an annual tradition at Easter time at Michael's church. The project included clearing the area of wild growth, building a gardener's border etc. The project took 2 months to complete.

  131. Project: Clean up and re-landscaping of neighborhood park

  132. Project: James' project involved designing, procuring materials, and building a walkway at Camp Clark Williamson. Total hours:68.

  133. Project: Paint white rings on telephone poles near fire hydrants, so that the hydrants can be seen in adverse weather by the Firemen.

  134. Project: Built an animal tracking station at the Ford Nature Center, at Mill Creek Metro Park District.

  135. Project: Supervised the collection of food and drink for the 9/11 disaster

  136. Project: Josep's project consisted of building a HC accessible fishing pier a Parvin State Park, Norma NJ The pier was 8' X 16' made of eight water-jetted 6X6 piling and 2X6 deck with handrailing.

  137. Project: Ridge Fire Department has a museum, and it was in disrepair. Joseph repaired and painted it.

  138. Project: Design, build and install a stone planter and gold leaf sign welcoming visitors to the newly renovated Town of Huntington Kew Avenue Park in East Northport.

  139. Project: Planned and constructed a lean-to at Suffolk County West Hills Park. Hope that many people will enjoy camping out in this lean-to in this pristine area of Suffolk County

  140. Project: Along the rail trail in highland gerard plan an installed split log benches. And build blue bird houses and installed them the project broth troop and the community together

  141. Project: To restore the of the Hudson river in mid Hudson park and to restore picnic table and park benches and to plant flowers it is now a nice place to sit and look at life on the river

  142. Project: Painted 24 park benches at Kittanning River Front Park

  143. Project: Built a "smoke house". A smoke machine creates a fire-like situation, so that the Fire Dept. can use it as a tool to teach elementary school students proper evacuation techniques.

  144. Project: Built 4'x10' bridge for bike trail over a ravine in a state park permanently, in concrete footings. Also, 20' low fence barrier at sharp curve in trail.

  145. Project: suitcases for kids. Filled tote bags with a book, toothbrush, toothpaste, and small toy for children in foster care

  146. Project: Made eight picnic tables for Teatown Nature Preserve.

  147. Project: Taking down and reconstructing corn crib to be used to house birds of prey at Teatown Lake Nature Preserve.

  148. Project: Scripps Ranch hiking/biking trail restoration where he provided leadership to nearly 50 scouts, adults and acquaintances in attendance at his project.

  149. Project: Built 15 picnic tables for a nature preserve.

  150. Project: Painted pictures for Ecology Center in Holtsville, showing how seeds travel.

  151. Project: Built 15 Bat Racks for the Commack Little League.

  152. Project: Construct and landscape an enclosed play area for the Tiny Tots Play School, located at Trinity Episcopal Church.

  153. Project: Matthew's project was the refurbishing and beautification of the Anchorage community clubhouse, pool area and surrounding gardens located on Mainsail Drive in the community of Anchorage, in Annapolis, Maryland. The project included several sub projects including, repainting a pool house office and storage shed; removing old wooden pool borders and replacing them with heavy-duty professional landscape garden edging. The new edging was to be placed around the pool between the lawn area and rock drainage area surrounding the pool. In addition, several picnic tables were scheduled to be sanded, refinished and sealed with wood preservative; the community bulletin board was going to be removed and completely refinished; the pool office walls and floors painted; the pool security fence repainted; concrete decking cracks repaired with cement caulking; the outside shower area painted; the life guard stand repaired and, the garden borders were going to be replanted and edged.

  154. He selected this project because he felt that several improvements needed to be made to his community clubhouse and pool area to provide a safer and more enjoyable environment for community members and their guests to utilize throughout the summer months. The area had been in disrepair for several years and without his project being completed, future improvements would have been much more costly.

  155. His sponsor for this project was the Anchorage Community Pool and Dock Association. This particular project benefits the Anchorage community because the area he planned to refurbish was looking run down and had not been kept up for several years. The community uses this area for swimming enjoyment and a variety of community gatherings all summer long. The project was designed to improve the appearance of the facility and provide a safer environment for all users of the community-gathering place.

  156. Project: Reconstructed and Repaired 6 picnic tables for Downs Dooley Park

  157. Project: Joshs Eagle Service Project was to plant 65 shrubs in a local park. The shrubs helped create a definition of space between the play area and the adjacent bike path. He also planted 68 Swamp White Oak tree saplings as part of the 2000 Trees by the year 2000 sponsored by the Illinois Department of natural resources. As these saplings mature they will preserve the woodland ecosystem for years to come.

  158. Project: Refurbished comfort stations at Heckscher State Park

  159. Project: Designed and painted murals in the hallways at the Little Lights Pre-School at the Christ Lutheran Church.

  160. Project: Built 5 benches in atrium at Elwood Middle School.

  161. Project: Restored Old Glory Cemetery a historical site amount of time involved is 100 hours+

  162. Project: Made wooden toys for USMC Toys For TOTS Christmas drive

  163. Project: Paint and repairing the inside and outside of the Church. Repairing two preschool rooms.

  164. Project: Paint and repairing the inside and outside of the Christ Clarion Church. Repairing two preschool rooms.

  165. Project: He painted 3 murals about 75 feet in length in Christ Lutheran Church in East Northport. The paintings were of before the flood, during the flood, and after the flood of Noah's Ark. This mural is for Little Lights Pre-school. This mural enhanced the new addition to the church fellowship hall.

  166. Project: Built & inscribed 14 wooden 10' crosses outside St. Luke's RC Church in Brentwood to represent the Stations of the Cross. They were built into a wooded area to provide a place of quiet refuge for people who wished to pray or meditate at any time of the day. The Stations of the Cross have been of value to the spiritual growth of the parish & serve as a focal point for the various groups, both English & Hispanic, which make up the community of St. Luke's Church.

  167. Project: Removed an old storage shed, and built a new one for the Church.

  168. Project: Built 4 Benches to put around the lake at the Town Hall.

  169. Project: Replacement bridges across a small ravine at Camp Winona Girls Scout Camp. This was on their nature trail

  170. Project: Renovated a a wildlife area. Installing new plants, trees, trails, rocks and establishing set trails for people to enjoy the wildlife area

  171. Project: Working with the YWCA and the Women’s Crises Shelter of cleaning out a warehouse full of items donated by the public over the last several years. This project saved the shelter an estimated $1200 to $1500 if hired out to perform this task.

  172. Project: Constructed Dinosaur Slide in Kakiak Park for the children.

  173. Project: Repainted all the trail markers in Kakiak Park.

  174. Project: Worked with the Natural Resousces Dept of the Town of East Hampton constructed & installed 75 bird housed in 13 locations in the town. Most houses were placed in known areas of mosquito pools for a more nautral way to help control mosquitoes

  175. Project: refurbished honor roll memorial from WWII. including landscape, monument repair/replacement including war plates, new flags

  176. Project: Built a new playground for pre-school children for the Church he attends

  177. Project: Cut alders along the Copper River Highway that were blocking the beautiful view of the mountains and lake from Mile 1 to Mile 5. Project took over 700 hours.

  178. Project: Service to the community through the organization and execution of a local conservation project.

  179. Project: Enlarged Little League Ballfield.

  180. Project: Construction project to add siderails to a 106 foot bridge on the Steamboat Trace Hiking/Biking Trail near Nebraska City, Ne.

  181. Project: Water sealed stadium bleachers at Falls City High School Jug Brown Stadium. Sanded and repainted the goal posts. Repaired many boards on the visitors bleachers making the school athletic area more safe for public use.

  182. Project: Construction project placing siderails on three different bridges of various lengths on the Steamboat Trace Hiking and Biking Trail near Peru Nebraska and Brownville, Nebraska which made them safer for public use.

  183. Project: Major clean up project organizing the Archer Cemetery, an abondoned and unkept cemetery near Falls City, Ne.

  184. Project: Community Education of preservation of Blue Birds, Construction of Blue Bird houses with placement and maintenance.

  185. Project: Clean up, repairs and sign painting at Verdon State Lake, Verdon, Nebraska.

  186. Project: Major sign painting project for the Albany Historical Museum, Albany Ks.

  187. Project: Built picnic tables for St. Catherine's of Sienna Church.

  188. Project: Cutting nature trails at Badgerow Park in the town of Greece NY

  189. Project: Repaired climbing structure at the Holy Cross Church Childhood Center

  190. Project: Child Identification Project - called Kid-Pix. Fingerprinted and made photo I.D.'s

  191. Project: Jason’s Project was quite unique and very timely. After 9-11, and watching a special on making your neighborhood safe, Jason planned and executed a project that would not only provide security but awareness for all our neighbors. Jason’s project consisted of two distinct parts. The first was the painting of house numbers on the curbs on over 100 houses in his subdivision to aid emergency response personnel in their efforts to find homes in an emergency. The second part consisted of an education campaign were he distributed fire and crime prevention information to all the neighborhood homeowners.

  192. Project: Developed 50 nesting boxes for the RG&E Kestrel Trail Project.

  193. Project: Replacing Gates at local municipal park. Alley Park

  194. Project: Built a shelter for recycling bins and garbage dumpsters at a church in town.

  195. Project: Helped outfit the music room at one of the Parochial schools in town.

  196. Project: Designed and built a wooden gazebo for his church, Crown Valley Community Church.

  197. Project: Michael collected over 200 used Bibles from members of about 20 Churches in the area. He then went on a mission trip to a Third World Country, (Lower Bahamas). As the people were witnessed to, they recieved these Bibles. Michael earned the money to go on this mission trip by himself.

  198. Project: Painted ganes on blacktop at Pulaski Road Elementary School East Northport to be used for Physical Education.

  199. Project: Ryan refurbished a playground at the church he attends.

  200. Project: Josh constructed a storage shed to hold tools and bird feed, and improved the walkway for the handicapped at a nature park in Fort Washington- Robins Park

  201. Project: Corry repaired and painted several benches and picnic table. He also redesigned and landscaped the School Grounds and gardens.

  202. Project: Steve refurbished the steps at the Lock Ash reservoir and landscaped the slope leading to them.

  203. Project: Robert landscaped a church's senior citizen day care area.

  204. Project: Joe led his troop in putting up a new fence around the parking lot at the local VFW post.

  205. Project: Organized troop and collected food, towels and toiletries for the ogden rescue mission

  206. Project: Planted greater than 1,500 bare root saplings (longleaf pines and pond cypress) as part of the reforestation of Citrus County. These trees are at the Lecanto Government Building. He organized 40 boys in teams and mapped off regions to get the job done.

  207. Project: The removal and relocation of playground equipment from the old schoolgrounds to the new schoolgrounds. enhanced the safety and health of the children of the community

  208. Project: designed and built portable, adjustable thrust stage for Villanova Prep school and town of Ojai.

  209. Project: designed and built 6'x8'wooden room divider/book cases for CA Indian Education Center

  210. Project: Robert built agility equipment for the puppy breeders and trainers at the Roseville division of Canine Companions. Canine Companions for Independence is a national non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs.

  211. Project: Ran a fingerprint and photograph ID project at Developmental Disabilities Institute. He worked with children with various disabilities.

  212. Project: Design, Construct and Install Plaque Cases for the Physical Education Dept. of Northport High School.

  213. Project: He built a 18' x 10' x 8'fence structure for Camp Cheerful in Strongsville, Ohio. This structure was to house two large dumpster to keep the children safe.

  214. Project: Fixed up play area for Holy Rosary School; painted color coded map of United States; patched up holes in play area; re-painted children's game area; re-painted parking lines for Holy Roasry Church.

  215. Project: Construction and Installation of bat houses in Belmont State Park.

  216. Project: Anthony built a greenhouse for the Lilly Wildlife Habitat Area which supports environmental and ecological education for K-12 students in Indiana.

  217. Project: For his service project, Andrew planned and constructed a new set of bleachers at Frink Field in Canterbury. He also made some repairs to the existing bleachers. The field is used for soccer practices in the fall and baseball practices and games in the spring. He worked with the Recreation Committee to get specifications and approvals for the project. He worked with area businesses to obtain the materials needed to construct the bleachers. He used his troop and family, as well as several town officials during the construction phase of the project.

  218. Project: The project was a 300ft. walking path through the woods including a meditation circle with benches, which links our church's picnic pavilion to the church's cemetery, the path is named Memory Lane.

  219. Project: Repair of the steeple of Saco Hill Church, install a new cross, and general painting and repair. and

  220. Project: Planned and executed toy drive for distributing toys to benefit children of 9/11 children for Christmas

  221. Project: Elementary School outdoor nature area

  222. Project: Alex's Eagle Service Project was to build a 4-doored, lockable, wooden storage cabinet, 12' x 7' for the preschool in his church, Maize Manor United Methodist Church.

  223. Project: Constructed a handicap walkway from parking lot to Field House at Cedar Road Park.

  224. Project: Repair/install rail fence at local trap range to ensure safety of spectators.

  225. Project: Planted trees to act as windbreak and isolate trap range from vehicle traffic.

  226. Project: Developing, building and organizing a library for his church, Bridgeport First United Methodist, Bridgeport, IL

  227. Project: Elementary school outdoor seating area

  228. Project: Cataloged the gravesites at the Britton Road Cemetery and created a computerized database of those records.

  229. Project: Beautification and refurbishing fencing and buildings at MSGR Mc Clancy H.S.

  230. Project: Painted hallway and room of a Hebrew School in a neighborhood Temple.

  231. Project: To restore, repair, and reset burial copings in local cemetery

  232. Project: Ground and brush clearing to begin constructing the "Grace and Truth Sports park: of the First Bible Baptist Church.

  233. Project: Construct a box turtle habitat for the Volunteers For Wildlife of Caumsett Park,to protect them from predators.

  234. Project: Bicycle safety program, anti-theft registration, and fund raiser for Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, with 7th Police Precinct and AAA.

  235. Project: Stephen planned, coordinated and lead the collection, repair and sorting of almost 3,000 books for a reading program in local schools for deaf and hard of hearing students. He also built with the help of volunteers, 4 bookcases for schools that needed them.

  236. Project: Repaired and enlarged compost area and affiliated education area at Alley Pond Environmental Center

  237. Project: Construction and installation of benches at Van Bourgondien Park, and cleanup of park's tennis and athletic areas.

  238. Project: He built toyboxes for the Anglewing Program

  239. Project: Refinished doors and pews of his church: Church of Christ

  240. Project: Foot bridge on trail at Dog Run Lake.

  241. Project: Jonathan, his fellow Troop members, & friends spent over 200 hours re-landscaping and renovating a garden area in the National Veterans Cemetery in West Los Angeles.

  242. Project: Built a nature pond with a redwood bench at a local middle school.

  243. Project: Kyle and his team cleaned up the koi pools and surrounding area in the Japanese Garden on the the Veterans National Hospital land in Westwood, CA in preparation for the restoration of the koi ponds and relandscaping efforts. 400 hours of labor were contributed.

  244. Project: Rebuilt a bridge which crosses over Marabone Creek. This bridge is located on the campus of Magna Vista High School. Replaced two beams across the Creek, trimmed and placed handrails. This project now makes it accessible for the Highschool to utilize property adjacent to the school for several activities such as cross-country running and various ball activities.

  245. Project: Reroofed the garage at St. Paul's Church

  246. Project: Repaired walls and ceilings at St. Paul's Church

  247. Project: Replaced siding and doors at St. Paul's Church

  248. Project: Painting a mural at the Marina Del Rey Middle School. Over forty other children were enrolled by Arthur to assist with thew project. over 500 hours.

  249. Project: Painted St. Andrew's Lutheran Church's Parish House to house their offices, and hold meetings.

  250. Project: Blood drive which coincided with September 11 and also did a food drive.

  251. Project: Raised money to purchase a AED (Defibrillator) for Dubuque Senior High School.

  252. Project: Organized a garage sale to raise money to purchase 8 signs and install them along the walking paths at Mines of Spain park in Dubuque, IA.

  253. Project: Created a nature study area at Irving Elementary School in Dubuque by planting 3 raised flower beds, 5 small bushes, 2 bird feeders, 2 bird houses, a bird bath, and bench.

  254. Project: Constructed two Canadian goose nests and one turtle loafing platform at Mines of Spain State Park.

  255. Project: collected clothing, blankets, food for the local help center

  256. Project: Lay-out and construction of handicapped parking spaces.

  257. Project: Construct and erect a greenhouse and garden for Zimerly Elementary School.

  258. Project: Build, stock and provide mobile First Aid Kits to the local Chapter of the AYSO (Youth Soccor League).

  259. Project: Repaired and repainted schoolyard fence, basketball poles and backboards. Foliage triming and flower plantings.

  260. Project: Restored a WWII Memorial in Blue Island, Illinois which consisted of over 2000 hours.

  261. Project: Organized crews of scouts and s to move school equipment back into Holy Family Academy Grade School after extensive remodeling of the school.

  262. Project: Built a 24 foot long by 10 foot wide Native American Longhouse. The longhouse is for educational use by the people of Boces Outdoor Environmental Eduational Program

  263. Project: Collected baby items for Regina Residence of Catholic Charities 2224 items.

  264. Project: Planted flowers and shrubs, and placed 2 benches at each corner of the project at center & Sunrise Highway.

  265. Project: Redesign and rebuilt waterfowl facility for wildlife refuge and rehabilitation center.

  266. Project: Design, build and install a set of four benches in Kew Avenue Park in East Northport, NY.

  267. Project: Photographic & fingerprinting identification of Community children & cake sale to benefit the National Center for missing and abused children.

  268. Project: Planted 300 tree in various locations for water quality, stream enhancement and City Parks

  269. Project: Rewired of of Commercial Kitchen and basement of the Kinton Grange for the better use of appliances and lighting for community events

  270. Project: Built a river access and established a County Park complete with stairs, pathway and parking area

  271. Project: Construction of a bulletin board kiosk and boat racks at Camp Alvernia, Centerport, NY. Camp is run by Franciscan Brothers.

  272. Project: Remodeling the Field House at University School for use by the school's Lacrosse team.

  273. Project: Built and installed 12 Blue Bird Houses at a Bird Sanctuary in my town. Hoping it will attract the Blue Birds back to this area.

  274. Project: Painted a map of the United States on the playground of Walls Elementary School in Kent, Ohio.

  275. Project: Display case for Masonic Lodge

  276. Project: High school outdoor picnic tables

  277. Project: Built interchangeable signs for St. Peter's Church, to give directions for different events. 30 signs were made with frames & posts.

  278. Project: Started a natural prairie plot with split rail fencing at the Monticello Riverside Gardens

  279. Project: Planting and mulching 40 plants and trees along high school administration building and library. Painting curbs for traffic and handicapped entrances.

  280. Project: Brandon built a spring house for the church to be able to have ample water supply for their new picnic area.

  281. Project: Constructed a primitive campsite with horse accessibility at Paynes Prairie State Preserve in Micanopy, Florida

  282. Project: Built a bridge across a low place between the church parking lot and a picnic pavillion.

  283. Project: Collected new toys and donations so every child at the local childrens home would receive a Christmas present.

  284. Project: Cleaned two Equestrian Trails in the Muttontown Preserve in East Norwich, NY

  285. Project: renovation of downtown railway station, circa 1950's. . .they replaced old wood, and repainted. . part of downtown restoration project

  286. Project: Setup a database of all types of tapes for the children at the School for Language and Communication Development, and collected the tapes to use.

  287. Project: Landscaping and trellis at the entrance to the Lakeside Hospital in Brockport.

  288. Project: Building a playground for the town of Sweden on Redman Road in Brockport.

  289. Project: Implemented and led the construction of an outdoor nature museum at elementary school, built two gardens on grounds.

  290. Project: Painted the Alzheimer's Foundation of Staten Island office and reception area.

  291. Project: Collected 1/2 ton of food for local pantries.

  292. Project: Trained people in the Community in First Aid and CPR.

  293. Project: Set up blood drive and collected over 30 pints of blood.

  294. Project: Collection of old American Flags for retirement.

  295. Project: Jim's Project was done for his church in three parts: 1.) Create a data base of all parish members 2.) Create a picture directory for all parish families 3.) Create a Church family display board for pictures of each family within parish

  296. Project: Dedicated over 120hrs to the construction of Second Allen A.M.E. Church's Fellowship Hall.

  297. Project: Built Native American Tools for education of people at the Boces Outdoor Environmental Educational Program.

  298. Project: Built a loading dock for the City of Jacksonville's Teacher Supply Depot.

  299. Project: designed and built dugouts for Gambier Little League park

  300. Project: Created a video library for a geriatric hospital.

  301. Project: Did a beatification project for the Richmond parks department. Cleaning and re-landscaping a park entrance way to the new gorge trail.

  302. Project: Joe built dog kennels for a local animal rescue organization.

  303. Project: Jon repaired and improved two fountains in the local Courthouse.

  304. Project: Repainted Town's Gazebo.

  305. Project: Rebuilt 3 ponds at a bird sanctuary and beautification of area.

  306. Project: Collected, Sorted and Delivered donated coats to Charity.

  307. Project: Plan, coordinate, organize, publicize and implement a project to collect toys or the USMC "toys for tots" program

  308. Project: Collected eyeglasses for Lynbrook-East Rockaway Lions club for distribution to the needy.

  309. Project: Collected used cell phones for St. Johns Hospital "Phones for Life " progam for senior citizens and needy.

  310. Project: Collect worn, damaged and unserviceable American Flags for retirement, in conjunction with VFW post 2307

  311. Project: Make a pamphlet to educate people as to what to do for safety before, during and after a Nor'easter or similar storm.

  312. Project: Collected baby clothes and supplies, for Mommas House which helps unmarried womenand pregnant women with he care of their children

  313. Project: Collected materials needed by local Fire Department during search and rescue months at WTC after 9/11. Also collected $2000.00 for Widow's Fund.

  314. Project: Made a database of the information on the tombstones at the Quaker cemetery in Jericho. Copies were placed in the Quaker eeting House in Jericho, andome of the libraries and the New York Public Library.

  315. Project: Re-landscaped area around church our troop meets in. Consisted of cutting 2 trees down, pulling 4 bushes, and filling in ruts left by vandals.

  316. Project: Repainted parking places and concrete stops on the concrete part of Community of Christ parking lot, and re edged and cleaned up the corners of the graveled parking area and regraveled entire area.

  317. Project: cleaned out 18 corner planters and 8 small island planters around the courthouse, remulched the area and cleaned out the run off channel to keep corners of square from flooding.

  318. Project: Tore out small and dingy bathroom at the Pentecostal churches youth center, and rebuilt it for handicapped access. They enlarged it and put in accessible fixures.

  319. Project: Collected eyeglasses and sunglasses in conjunction with the Santa Monica Lion's Club. These glasses will be distributed to the poor and the needy of underdeveloped countries.

  320. Project: Construction and painting of two flower boxes for scout's church.

  321. Project: Blood Drive

  322. Project: Developed and performed an Hawaiian Program for the elderly in assisted living centers.

  323. Project: Fixed barn for Hoyt Farm. Redid half of roof, installed door and repainted barn.

  324. Project: Renovation of a building for Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Lindenhurst.

  325. Project: Repair and clean up of the Wesley Foundation House at UTA. Painted several rooms, changed out all the light bulbs in the house, trimmed the trees, and cleaned the gutters of the house.

  326. Project: Bryan built bookshelves and was instrumental in implementing the accelerated reading program in the 2nd grade class at the local school

  327. Project: Construct large outdoor flower bin for the Veterans Hospital at Northport, NY

  328. Project: Petting zoo for Utah county Utah. 700+ hours by 20 youth and adults. Informed community about responsible animal ownership. Animals included emus, peacocks, ducks, geese, pot belly pigs, sheep, goats, llamas, BLM donkeys, chickens to name a few. The scouts made posters, tamed the animals, birthed, and worked with the local humane society

  329. Project: Collected about 3000 to set up a learning center at the Dr. Martin Luther King Center in Rockville Centre.

  330. Project: Installation of netting and ladders in the primate cages at the Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, New York

  331. Project: Constructed Three distinct Walking trails at Council Rock High School South. Trail is used by both community members and students of the High School. This project combined the scouts, the students and the community perfectly. The track is open to all.

  332. Project: Built 2 benches and Information Kiosk for the Massapequa Preserve.

  333. Project: Built a 12x12 ft lean-to shelter in Blydenburgh County Park.

  334. Project: Collect 3000 books for the Children’s Hospital at Strong Memorial Hospital

  335. Project: Michael cut 25, 40 foot trees down on a tree farm and planted DEAD trees at a wetlands area for nesting platforms for birds of prey

  336. Project: Walter built 1/2 mile of trail for fishermen to access the Nehalem river on state land. He also built a picnic table and trailhead sign.

  337. Project: Matt built 1300 feet of jogging track at a local Christian school and built 2 exercise stations alongside the track.

  338. Project: Matt cut down trees and assembled them into floating nesting platforms 6 foot by 8 foot in a wetlands area for birds.

  339. Project: Built A handicapped Ramp at the big Chimney Baptist Church

  340. Project: Drew worked to establish and stock a new food pantry at Annapolis Middle School in support of an Anne Arundel County food distribution program called Food Link. He led a group of 15 volunteers to clean out, paint and furnish two rooms at the school. He then held 2 food drives and collected over 463 pounds of food to stock the shelves.

  341. Project: Environmental cleanup of the Breslau Woods and Strongs Creek in Lindenhurst.

  342. Project: Anti-erosion project at Takapusha Pond, Seaford. Filled in soil behind biologist planted vegetation.

  343. Project: Installed dugouts on Little League field Made a cement floor and added benches.

  344. Project: Fixed and put up a fence for Nellie the Cow at the Smithtown Historical Society.

  345. Project: Put up a fence at Christ Lutheran Church for the pre-school as an extension was added.

  346. Project: Painted yellow glow markings on telephone poles near fire hydrant, so that the hydrants could be more easly found.

  347. Project: constructed 2/10 mile of new horseback/bike trail on the national forest

  348. Project: Brendan managed the construction of several 10' x 10' tent platforms with outriggers at a local Christian camp. This was accomplished over three weekends with an average crew size of 20 and over 480 manhours. Brendan managed the design, construction, all the necessary materials and monies for the project. This was one of the most satisfying and enjoyable projects in which our troop has been involved.

  349. Project: stenciled and painted the Presbyterian Church of Columbus.

  350. Project: Constructed a permanent concrete sign along te driveway leading up to the synagogue at the Commack Jewish Center.

  351. Project: Reconstruction/refurbishment of Youth Meeting Center at Centerville Presbyterian Church

  352. Project: Replanted and landscaped an existing prayer area at the sponsoring church that had been neglected and over grown. Also placed new lighting at the area.

  353. Project: Hank built four benches for the local Speech, Hearing & Rehabilitation Center (S.H.A.R.E). He put up two bird feeders and a bird bath in the back yard of this facility in the memory of a family friend who used this center as an Alzheimer patient. He wanted her fellow clients to have a place to sit in the fresh air

  354. Project: Built Memorial Planter at toll booth entrance to Heckscher State Park in East Islip. It is in memory of the World Trade Center Tragedy - 9/11/2001

  355. Project: Created a small park for annual Christmas tree and meeting ground for the community center.

  356. Project: He built benches and planter boxes for the Mary House homeless shelter in downtown Sacramento.

  357. Project: He gathered, sorted and cleaned clothes so that the town of Elk Grove could have a clothes shelter for the homeless. He also helped opened the used clothing store.

  358. Project: He Put in walk ways and sprinkler system for Project Ride which teaches handicapped children how to ride horses. This is an ongoing picnic area and several of our soon to be Eagles are taking part in the work.

  359. Project: Removed decayed woodchips from the playground at the church that sponsor's Troop 3, placed the decayed woodchips on the hill behind the church to prevent erosion, then put new woodchips in the playground.

  360. Project: His project was authorized by the Winnebago County Forest Preserve District to reclaim 1.6 acres of intermediate growth forest and prepare it to be converted into prairie grassland. This required him to use organizational skills and leadership skills to facilitate the removal of all non-native or intrusive species of vegetation.

  361. Project: He organized an Emergency Preparedness Fair where different groups presented information on: food storage recipe ideas and demonstrations on how to cook with food storage items 72-hour emergency kits emergency kits for automobiles water storage what to do in case of natural disasters and other emergencies. Scott also took orders and provided at cost one hundred and ten 72-hour Emergency Food Kits, sealed in mylar bags. The Emergency Preparedness Fair was a great success.

  362. Project: Collected over 2 tons of clothing for the needy

  363. Project: Conducted a cross country race that collected over 500 items of food for the needy of the community.

  364. Project: Marc did his Project for the Commack Jewish Center. He chose to construct a permanant concrete sign with the name of the synagogue. He built it along the driveway leading up to the synagogue.

  365. Project: David constructed a Native American Longhouse at the Caleb Smith State Park. It will be used in it's Historical display and for lessons for students who are studying Native Americans.

  366. Project: Michael built Native American tool and a carved out canoe to go along with a Native American Longhouse built by a fellow scout. These artifacts will be used for display and to teach students who visit about life of a Native American Indian. These artifacts are displayed at the Caleb Smith State Park.

  367. Project: Built a tool shed at an Elementary school.

  368. Project: David's Project was creating a multi-tiered water fall and pond at the Monticello Riverside Gardens. It involved removing soil and building up the hillside area with pools, rock and gravel to create the double waterfall from the upper pool to the lower pool with. Water is circulated with small submersible pumps.

  369. Project: Worked With the Veterans of Webster and compiled a large full colored book about all of the towns Monuments to the Veterans

  370. Project: Food drive for Community Food Pantry

  371. Project: A Blood Drive with NY/SI Blood Bank

  372. Project: Clothing Drive for needy and homeless.

  373. Project: Construction and Installation of a pergola at our Community Center on the edge of Swan Lake in East Patchogue.

  374. Project: Robert collected materials and built an information kiosk for the CYO day Camp.

  375. Project: Eye Glasses collection and recycling. The collected eyeglasses were donated to the K of P of NY, 10th District.

  376. Project: Renovated a courtyard at the VA Medical Center in Dayton Ohio

  377. Project: Cleaned up and did some minor repairs to the cemetery where his grandfather is buried.

  378. Project: Church grounds cleanup which consisted of 22 acres after the ice storm

  379. Project: Developed a base for a statue and cement benches for his church.

  380. Project: Ryan constructed a Planet Walk, a scale model of the solar system with plaques containing information about each planet, at the Thomas Grover Middle School. The Planet Walk is being used as part of the curriculum for the students.

  381. Project: Michael's project was the construction of 12 park benches for a church historical site in Kirtland, Ohio

  382. Project: Created a meditation garden at his church; acquired statue and necessary materials for garden.

  383. Project: Built a 28 foot bridge at the Alley Pond Environmental Center

  384. Project: Jonathan's project benefited CS Motts Children’s Hospital. His project provided them with 14 new televisions, 15 video game consoles, and over 150 video games for the sick children to play.

  385. Project: Kevin's project benefited the "First Step Women's and Children's Shelter." Through the efforts of his project, Kevin was able to donate over 1,000 personal care items/toiletries for the persons at this domestic abuse center.

  386. Project: Michael's Eagle Scout Community Service Project was an Outdoor Meditation Area at the Catholic Student Center at Kennesaw State University ( Along with the help of his fellow scouts, he put in over 100 hours of community service for this project. They cleared out a very dense area of brush, weeds, vines, and built 3 benches in a wooded setting for the students to sit outside during lunchtime or whenever, in a beautiful outdoor setting.

  387. Project: Grant landscaped and replanted the front of the Chesterfield Township Municipal building. Working closely with the Township Environmental Committee and Township Committee, Grant drew up blueprints, solicited and obtained donations, organized the transportation of the plants, and directed the planting and physical work of the project. Numerous trees, shrubs, bushes, and other plants were used to beautify the building's front. With the help of Troop 55 and other township volunteers, the project was completed with over 125 man hours of service.

  388. Project: Phillip s Eagle Service Project was the creation of a computer lab for an under-privileged church school. He led a team to acquire, upgrade, configure and network seventeen computers, two print server computers and two printers.

  389. Project: Mulch and stake 600 trees for the Aboit Park Board in the new Indian Trail Park.

  390. Project: Sean collected clothes (mittens, hats, socks, etc) and blankets for the needy for Mary's House associated with St. Patrick's Church in Providence, RI. The clothes were distributed to the needy.

  391. Project: Brian planted American Chestnut seeds that he acquired from the Virginia Tech Forestry Department. The trees were planted in a local county park. He will also be responsible for their subsequent care.

  392. Project: Planted shrubs along one side of the Lutheran Church to block the view of the playground from inside the church.

  393. Project: Anthony s Eagle Scout Project was to find every group graduation picture for Holy Family Catholic School since the first graduation class of 1958, frame them and place them on permanent display in the school. He also researched, located, framed, and placed the picture of all former pastors of Holy Family Catholic Church on permanent display in the church.

  394. Project: His Project was to make sitting benches for the Temple of the Holy Name patrons to safely and comfortable remove their shoes before entering the temple (as is the religious custom) and store them out of the way underneath. This has been of particular benefit to the older patrons.

  395. Project: Built a Bridge over creek at a local park

  396. Project: Trail maintenance and construction at a local park

  397. Project: building benches for Ivan Green School athletic field

  398. Project: retiring flags and formal ceremony

  399. Project: Removal of trees and ground work at church

  400. Project: Built gardens for nursing homes

  401. Project: Tested emergency response plan for Great Northern Paper Co. Involved mock accident. Tested ambulance response and radio communications between, GNP, hospital and rescue personal.

  402. Project: Repair and painting with preservative of 1/3 mile of split rail fencing for Spooky Brook Golf Course (public course)

  403. Project: Jarrett built a habitat for an endangered species, the Gopher Turtle for his Project. He has aspirations of attending the Naval Academy and is considering working in the Justice System.

  404. Project: Jesse created an outdoor garden area for a local battered women's shelter so the mom's might sit while watching their children at play. He was chosen to interview the President at the last National Jamboree in AP Hill and is considering a career in Broadcast Journalism or Public Service.

  405. Project: Built bird habitat for a local wildlife preservation facility.

  406. Project: On Memorial Day in 2000, Nick and his troop were asked to assist the VFW in honoring the departed veterans buried in Greenlawn cemetery in West Long Branch, NJ. The procedure at the time was to go out into the cemetery and locate as many of the veterans as could be found and place an American flag on the gravesite. This procedure took anywhere from 1-1/2 to 2 hours to accomplish. This was not due to the lack of help but to not having any specific idea or map of where all the buried veterans were located.
    Nick began thinking of a better way to locate these graves, not just one time but every year. In 2002 Nick proposed fundraising to purchase cast aluminum veteran grave markers, plot out the location of all the veterans that could be physically located in the cemetery and mark the graves with a marker as his Eagle service project. Nick s goal was to find as many of the graves and mark all of them before Memorial Day 2003. The VFW s list of who was buried there contained 118 names.
    The project took 9 months to accomplish and Nick met all of his objectives. He was able to fundraise enough money to purchase 125 grave markers (he was able to find 7 grave sites that the VFW did not know where there) and supplies to complete the entire project and even finished ON-TIME! Nick even supplied the VFW with a new map and an updated list of the veterans buried there. This research was used by the county seat to update their records.
    When he met the VFW and the scouts who had gone out to help place the markers on Memorial Day 2003, the entire process of finding the graves and placing the American Flag on the gravesite only took about 20 minutes and all 125 were marked.
    Through determination and perseverance, Nick accomplished a task that will remain a tribute to honor those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could have the freedom that we enjoy today and to his accomplishments in completing the project.
    In his project write-up Nick puts it best when he says;
    The most important lesson that I learned was sacrifice. I always took for granted the things we could do in our country. I didn t realize the importance of how our country got like it is today. The men and women that I tried to honor sacrificed their lives to make this country what it is today for me and all Americans.
    Aside from teaching the basics of different levels of management, this project taught this 15 year old about respect, sacrifice and honor. A lesson that was well learned and will be remembered by all who were involved and all of those that the project touched.

  407. Project: Scott directed the construction, assembling, and landscaping of a 40 x 40 cardiovascular exercise station consisting of four separate stations

  408. Project: Cleared and rebuilt trails to a youth nature center

  409. Project: Jonathan, in conjunction with the DNR, studied bluebird habitat, built twenty-five bluebird houses, and constructed two bluebird trails in St. Clair Township. He has been monitoring the bluebird houses since he installed them in April.

  410. Project: Branden built a 4' X 64' boardwalk across wetlands at the Pine River Nature Center for the St. Clair County Intermediate School District.

  411. Project: Lukas held a mercury fever thermometer exchange. Lukas received 56 mercury thermometers from people and gave each person a digital thermometer to replace it. The mercury thermometers were taken to a site which safely disposes of them.

  412. Project: Build of library of Spanish and English casual reading books for a small orphanage in Acapulco, Mexico. It was to offer the children an opportunity to learn to read for fun, which in turn might encourage them to learn and enjoy school a little bit more. Giving them an opportunity to have a better life for themselves.

  413. Project: Computerized cataloging of the Agnon School Library

  414. Project: Reorganizing and re-shelving the entire Aaron Garber Library at the Cleveland Siegel College of Jewish Studies.

  415. Project: Refurbished Church Pews

  416. Project: Eagle service project consisted on putting trash can along the beach located near of my house

  417. Project: Sam designed and led a project to create four raised picnic and two horticultural tables that will enable the wheelchair consumers to independently participate in the same seasonal activities that are part of suburban living. Sam organized the project, raised money and led scouts, friends and family in constructing four raised picnic tables and two horticultural tables. The project took 300 of worker hours and 65 hours of planning.

  418. Project: Paint exterior parking lot with yellow parking space lines,curbs red for fire zones, handicap parking

  419. Project: Organized and constructed a handicapped access ramp that is portable and designed to be used for temporary office trainers. This was done for his Church/school.

  420. Project: He painted the names and addresses on the bottom of all medal chairs of a church building in town so that they could be borrowed and returned easily.

  421. Project: Remodeled the front garden of First Christian Church in Mandeville.

  422. Project: Phillip s Eagle Scout Service project involved the building of a three level trail leading from an upper trail to a lower trail along the Hudson River in the Palisades Interstate Park in New Jersey. It was necessary to cut through both rock and brush and to construct a flight of stairs. This encompassed designing, planning and coordinating the project as well as supervising scouts and adults during the construction phase. In all, more than 280 man-hours were expended over a four (4) month period.

  423. Project: Repaired and rebuilt Church garage to be used by youth. Secured material for new doors, lights and shelving

  424. Project: Built 3 tables and benches for Burr Intermediate School. Ran Car Wash to raise money for supplies.

  425. Project: Lead a project to paint the basement kitchen/eating area of the Kinton Grange and to do minor repair/improvements to the basement kitchen/eating area

  426. Project: Painted "Dump No Waste, Drains To Stream" using stencils at 300 Catch Basins within the City of Forest Grove

  427. Project: Clean and restoration of boating are located at Piasa Harbor, on the Mississippi River. Replaced garbage cans, signage, removal of debris.

  428. Project: Chris assisted in the restoration of the Church Sanctuary by leading a team to paint the sanctuary

  429. Project: Robert assisted in the restoration of the Church Sanctuary by leading a team to stip and restain the sanctuary pulpit furniture and banister rail

  430. Project: Planned, coordinated, recruited volunteers and supervised a food drive and food packing for "Tosa for Kids", a food pantry which provides temporary assistance for area needy. Chris also collected money which he used for the purchase of gift certificates for meat which were also distributed to the families his group packed for.

  431. Project: Travis repaired, sanded, primed, and repainted 2 playground areas at a local grade school, that consisted of 5 slides, 2 jungle gyms, a climb on fire truck and train, and a swing set.

  432. Project: His service project was to reestablish the play fields in the churchs school yard that was blacktop over, repaint the parking lines in the church parking lot and paint the boiler room in the parish house

  433. Project: September 11th Time Capsule where all the schools, service organizations, police and fire depts., ambulance corps,etc. placed items relating to 911 to be opened in 25 years

  434. Project: Canned food drive to help flood victims in 1993

  435. Project: a. replanted, mulched and installed new sprinkler system in area park b. installed a flag pole/ display light

  436. Project: Restored a community recreation area on post. Project involved much cleaning, painting, and replacement of safety fence.

  437. Project: Fixed the big holes and painted the cafeteria /gym/basement walls of St George basement.

  438. Project: Building games for each of the 4 elementary schools and the 2 middle schools in Commack

  439. Project: Built a covered bench and osprey platform in Heckscher State Park along the Greenbelt Trail.

  440. Project: Built storage bins for nursery school at Toddler's Daycare"

  441. Project: Conducted talent show for the Brooklyn Children's Museum.

  442. Project: Supervised and conducted a blood drive.

  443. Project: Planned and built a Geniza (grave for religious articles) and saw that the prayer books and prayer shawls were properly buried.

  444. Project: Built an information Kiosk on the Grace Brown Nature trail. Cleared paths of weeds and vines, filled in holes and mulched trail. Cleared sides of overhanging branches to allow access for school age children and a clean trail that is used by environmentalists to teach and folks to just enjoy a walk in the woods.

  445. Project: He belongs to another church other than our sponsor and they had a cemetery that had suffered from neglect to the point that you couldn't see it from the road about 50 yards. He cleared out the underbrush both in and out of the cemetery. He also righted some grave markers that were turned over.

  446. Project: Daniel organized the exterior restoration of a small 100 + year old chapel on the property of our sponsoring organization. The Scouts scraped, primed and painted the building.

  447. Project: Planned and led repair and painting of a common room in the basement of the church

  448. Project: Collection of 3000 new and used books delivered to the Jewish Community Center for distribution to city schools.

  449. Project: Research, find, frame and permanently display all graduation classes for Holy Family stating with the first year which was 1958.

  450. Project: Built shelves and painted a garage at a Youth Home