Monte Bello Lodge #10
Meeting Notes
January 27, 2020

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Good Afternoon Good Brothers,

I hope this email finds you well. We had eleven members at our meeting on Monday. The meeting went well. We discussed the meeting on Tuesday, February 4th at 3:30 p.m. in Prattville. Brother Dan Howard, Brother Hermon Graham, and I will be meeting in the Parking Lot at the Mongolian Grill at 9:30 a.m. so we can drive down together for this meeting. Anyone else wishing to join us can meet us at the appointed time and location to ride down with us. We want to encourage everyone who can to join us at this meeting and help our Brothers in the Prattville area get their lodge back up and running. We plan on stopping for lunch in the Birmingham area. Hermon is taking us to a restaurant where they have a buffet that he said is fantastic food. Brother William Frey, potential Brother Andrew Moulton and maybe some others, will be attending the meeting from the Prattville area. We are still waiting to hear from the Supreme Lodge to see who might be joining us from Supreme Council.

We also discussed our upcoming Grand Lodge meeting scheduled for June 20th in Florence. Please mark down this date for this meeting. It is very important that you attend this meeting if possible. The food is always great and so is the fellowship. We will be voting for our Grand Lodge officers at this meeting and deciding who will represent the Grand Lodge at the Supreme Lodge Convention in late July and early August in Newark New Jersey. So please plan on attending the meeting in June.

Our lodge dues are now due. If you haven't paid your dues yet please do so by our next lodge meeting which is on Monday, February 10th. Brother Marvin Whisenant is currently working on the year-end report for our Lodge and the Grand Lodge which is due to be turned into the Supreme Lodge by the end of March. We have to pay a stipend to the Supreme Lodge for every member listed on our roster so each member must pay his dues. Part of the money from the dues is used to pay for our membership in the Supreme Lodge.

For our Brothers in distress Brother Harry Williams is scheduled to have abominable surgery in Birmingham on February 17th. Harry's mom has been released from rehab and is now back in her own house. Please continue to keep Harry and his family in your prayers as they go through these tough times.

I hope to see many of you next week for our meeting in Prattville and if not in Prattville than at our meeting on the 10th. In the meantime, have a great rest of the week and weekend.

With Warm Regards,


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