Monte Bello Lodge #10
Meeting Notes
June 28, 2021

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Good Afternoon Good Brothers,

Hope this email finds you well and you are staying cool and dry. We had quite the rain here in Forest Hills earlier today just before lunch. Yesterday we had our meeting with six members in attendance. Brothers Marvin Whisenant, Robert Steen, Leslie Johnson, Jim Harris, Harry Williams were in attendance with me. Brother Marvin took charge of the meeting since he was the ranking member. Brother Marvin determined that we did not have a quorum for the meeting so we did not move or vote on any issues. It has been decided that we will reinstate our regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday every month at the Mongolian Grill. Our next meeting will occur on Monday, July 12 beginning with lunch at around 11:30 am followed by the meeting at noon. Our current dues are $62.50 for 2021. Marvin said so far five members have paid their dues. If you haven't paid your dues please be prepared to pay them at the meeting on the 12th.

As you will recall the UNA Sportsman Club was having an Auction/Dinner fundraiser last August but due to the pandemic, it was postponed. Pete Rose was scheduled to appear and speak at this dinner. KOP had reserved a table with eight chairs for a cost of $1,000. Many of the members had committed to reserving a place at the table at a cost of $125 to cover the cost. The Sportsman Club has changed its name but still exists to support the athletics at UNA. The Auction/Dinner is now scheduled for Thursday, August 12th and Pete Rose remains the guest speaker. It will begin around 6 p.m. that evening. If you would still like to attend this dinner as a KOP member please let Marvin know so he can reserve your spot at the table.

With that said I hope to see a lot more of you at our next meeting on the 12th. If you no longer want to be a member please let us know so we may remove you from our roll and establish our new quorum. Have a great fourth of July and stay safe. Hope to see you on the 12th.

With Warm Regards,

Steve Edwards

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