Monte Bello Lodge #10
Meeting Notes
July 12, 2021

Return to Monte Bello Meetings

Good Morning Good Brothers,

I hope this email finds everyone doing well. This past Monday we had our regular lodge meeting. We had eight members in attendance, Brothers Hermon Graham, Marvin Whisenant, Ken Patterson, Robert Steen, Leslie Johnson, Harry Williams, Jim Harris, and myself. Things discussed included the wellness of our members, our next grand lodge meeting, how many active members we actually now have, and the Sportsman Dinner and Silent Auction at UNA on August 12th. In a discussion about our membership, it was determined that Brother Dan Howard still plans to remain active in our lodge but was not ready to return to the meetings. Brother Ed Cheney had indicated that he hoped to make the next meeting on August 26. Brother Ed Yeilding has not been able to attend our recent meetings due to other commitments but will return as soon as his schedule allows. Brother Jim Noles is still not able to participate in our meetings due to issues related to his family and other commitments. Brother Dan Richards is not able to attend meetings due to his wife's health issues. We are hopeful that all of our members will soon be in a position to return. With that said if any members no longer wish to participate in the lodge please let us know so we may remove you from the roll and determine what our total active membership is currently at.

We have several Brothers in distress. Brother Dan Richardson is at home with his wife, Mary, who is in poor health. Please keep Mary and Dan in your prayers and reach out to Dan for fellowship and comfort. Brother Hermon is still recovering from back surgery and gallbladder surgery. He is definitely making progress and of course, was able to attend and participate in the meeting, but he still needs our prayers and thoughts as he goes forward with his recovery. Brother Harry Williams is having cataract surgery this Monday, July 19th, and will have additional follow-up surgery on Monday, August 2. His mother requires 24/7 care and he is her main caregiver. This surgery is going to present a challenge for Harry and his family as he goes into recovery and healing. Please keep Harry and his family in your prayers as well.

With all of this said our next meeting will be on Monday, July 26th. I hope to see you there. In the meanwhile have a great rest of July and stay safe.

With Warm Regards,

Brother Steve

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