Monte Bello Lodge #10
Meeting Notes
July 26, 2021

Return to Monte Bello Meetings

Dear Brothers,

I hope this email finds everyone doing well.  Sorry about this report getting out late.  I have had a very trying week and spent most of the day Wednesday in the local ER for chest pains.  This past Monday we had our usual 2nd Monday of the month meeting.  We had eight members in attendance, Brothers Hermon Graham, Marvin Whisenant, Dan Richardson, Robert Steen, Ed Yeilding, Leslie Johnson, Harry Williams, and me.  Nothing of great consequence was discussed at the meeting. 

Based on everyone’s understanding it seems that we still have a membership of 17.  However, due to the circumstances of the Pandemic, at least three members have indicated their reluctance to return until the situation is more certain.  Please do not forget that the UNA Sportsman Annual Football Kickoff Dinner and Auction will be on Thursday, August 12th at the Florence Lauderdale Coliseum 702 Veterans Drive Florence, AL 35630.  The KOP will be sponsoring a table at the event and to participate in the program please reach out to Brother Marvin at 205 764-0641 or speak to him at our next meeting on Monday, August 9th.   

Our next meeting will start with lunch at 11:30 followed by the business meeting at noon.  The meeting is back to its usual time and place on the 2nd and 4th Monday each month at the Mongolian Grill 121 S Cox Creek Pkwy, Florence, AL 35630.  Hope to see you on the 9th of August. 

Please keep Brother Dan Richardson in your prayers as he continues to mourn the loss of his beautiful wife of 54 years, Mary.  Brother Harry is having his second cataract surgery this Monday, August 2nd so please keep him in your prayers as well.  Brother Hermon continues to recover from his back and gallbladder surgery and continues in Rehab.  He can use our prayers as well.  Brother Dan Howard says he is doing better but is not ready to return to our meetings but hopes too soon.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers too.  Have a great weekend and rest of your summer. 

With Warm Regards,

Brother Steve

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