Targeted Email Communication

Targeted Email Communication

Recipient Privacy

Email addresses are only for official lodge communication with recipients. A lodge must not share the email list with the full membership, other lodges, or with those outside the lodge. Emails should not list everyone in the To or carbon copy Cc fields as the addresses are visible to all. Use caution not to share email addresses unintentionally when forwarding emails. Promptly follow through with requests to add or remove addresses. A single Reply To All on an old email may cause someone to receive an unwanted message after requesting to be removed. 

Conference Lines

Conference Lines

A phone number configured to allow multiple individuals to join a phone call. The addition of a meeting number allows multiple meetings to take place at the same time. Some conference call services support features to record meetings, announce when callers join the meeting and methods for the call host to see who has joined the meeting.

Lodges need an Email account

Lodges need an Email account

Official lodge email addresses appear more professional compared to the same email from a personal account. The official email address also has greater name recognition and is less likely marked as spam. It is more important than ever now that many lodges are using email to reduce postage cost on letters.

Enhancing Your Pythian Meetings

Enhancing Your Pythian Meetings

Times have changed.  We often hear, “Back in the day, we would fill up this lodge hall.” We may never get the desired participation without changing our tools and approach. The Order needs to embrace new tools and strategies to provide you and your lodge some alternative options. The products and services mentioned are in use by members and do not constitute an endorsement by the Supreme Lodge. Please consider each idea to see which enhance your lodge communication.