Creating a New Lodge — The Knights of Pythias

Accept the Challenge to 

Start a New Lodge


National Membership Chairperson

Daniel Videlock, PSR (Michelle) 

14830 Watt Road
Novelty, OH 44072

Why Some Start New Lodges

  • I am impressed by the principles of the Knights of Pythias and would like to become a member, but there are no lodges in my area.

  • I am a Knight and enjoy the Order, but I am moving to an area without lodges.

  • I had been an active member but could no longer handle the long-distance handle distance I must travel to my lodge.

  • I desire to serve my community in a historic fraternal order to which my father and grandfather belonged, but no lodges are near my home.

The Requirements

It takes only nine people to start a new subordinate lodge of the Knights of Pythias.

  • Each must believe in a Supreme being

  • Each must be at least eighteen years of age

  • Each must be of good moral character

Contact your state or province Pythian organization. Pythians have Grand Lodges in most areas of the U.S. and Canada.

For more information, contact our National Membership Chairman. All state leaders have been challenged to start new lodges, so your inquiry should be welcomed.

The Grand (State) Lodge Constitution and Statutes will dictate the exact procedures and requirements for the institution of a new Knights of Pythias Subordinate Lodge. The information outlined in this webpage is only a guide.

The Details

A Petition for Warrant will be submitted to the Grand Chancellor, giving at least nine candidates' signatures, age, occupation, and residence. Also required are completed application forms for all new members. If transfers or reinstatements occur, the certificates or membership records must accompany the Petition - with all the necessary fees.

Rank work and Lodge institution Meeting

The Grand Chancellor (or his deputy) and the candidates will call the meeting once the proper paperwork has been submitted. Balloting will proceed for candidates to become Knights. Once the rank of Knight has been conferred upon at least nine members, the Instituting Officer will formally elect Officers for the lodge for the current term. The Grand Chancellor or deputy will then install the officers. The Lodge will be declared duly instituted, and its warrant delivered to the newly elected Chancellor commander.

The New Beginning

Your group will need to formulate its By-laws. These should include:

  • When and where you will meet

  • Dues structure

  • Committees
    Subordinate Lodge Committees usually deal with 12 areas which can be combined into three groups.

    • Membership, Attendance, Delinquent Members, Fellowship, Auxiliaries

    • Public Relations, Publicity, Youth Welfare, Pythian International;

    • Entertainment, Proficiency, Finance

      Even with only nine members, there can be three on each committee.

Consider ideas from other lodges’ by-laws and the Supreme (national) Constitution and by-laws.

More Hints

Seek assistance from your Grand (State) Lodge and District. Have your lodge Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer consult the Grand (state) Secretary regarding using forms, procedures, and supplies. The Supreme Lodge Secretary should provide Necessary start-up office supplies free of charge when a lodge is instituted.

Consult the Manual for Subordinate Lodges, with the Guide for Subordinate and Grand Lodge Officers, for guidance.

Invite the Grand Lodge officers, including district leaders if your lodge is within a district, to your meetings for ongoing communication and education.

ALWAYS seek follow-ups by your Grand Lodge and the Supreme Lodge, be aware of educational opportunities from them, and most of all, LISTEN not only to those that are experienced but listen to each other. Your lodge will be what you make of it - Remember, ALL good things take time and effort to develop. GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES ON YOUR NEW SUBORDINATE LODGE

Consider ideas and events within your local community that will allow your lodge and the Pythian name to become “known” and increase membership prospects. Some examples include a local charity, a town fair, a pancake breakfast, or a chili supper. Consider forming partnerships with other groups.

Enhance your newly formed lodge! Invite speakers, create activities, and spark interest.

Most of all, Keep Meetings Interesting!

“If fraternal love held all men bound how beautiful this would be”