Invitation — The Knights of Pythias

 We Invite You to Join the Knights of Pythias
Pythian Membership FAQS

You are invited to join the Knights of Pythias to serve your community and inspire others to do the same. Our Lodges serve communities in the United States, Canada, Italy, and the Philippians, with Lodges being considered in other nations.

Who is eligible to apply for membership?

  • Anyone over the age of 18 can apply for membership.

  • You must believe in a supreme being.

  • A desire to help others and make the world a better place.

Can I make a lodge if there isn’t a lodge near me?

Yes, a new lodge requires nine eligible members. Additional information is available on Creating New Lodges page.

What is the history of the Knights of Pythias?

The Knights of Pythias was established in 1864 to unite the North and the South after the civil war.

The Order bases its lessons and builds its ritual mainly on the familiar story of the friendship of Damon and Pythias. Familiarity with the Banim play encouraged Justus H. Rathbone to organize a fraternal order based on such friendship


Justus H. Rathbone

Knights of Pythias Created

Justus H. Rathbone created the first Knights of Pythias members with Robert A. Champion. On Feb 15, 1864, Brother Rathbone called Robert A. Champion, William H. Burnett, David L. Burnett, and Edward S. Kimball together and performed the ritual using his pocket Bible. Justice H. Rathbone instituted the first lodge of the order as Washington Lodge #1 in Washington D.C. four days later, on February 19, 1864, with thirteen charter members. They adopted Brother Rathbone's ritual with only minimal changes. 

The next important step in the history of the order was the organization of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia on April 8, 1864. After two preliminary meetings, the Supreme Lodge was organized on August 11, 1868.


President Abraham Lincoln

Recommended by President Lincoln

President Abraham Lincoln recommended the teachings of the Knights of Pythias with the following words:

"The purposes of your organization are most wonderful. If we could but bring its spirit to all our citizenry, what a wonderful thing it would be. It breathes the spirit of Friendship, Charity and Benevolence. It is one of the best agencies conceived for the upholding of government, honoring the flag, for the reuniting of our brethren of the North and of the South, for teaching the people to love one another, and portraying the sanctity of the home and loved ones. I would suggest that these great principles by perpetuated and that you go to the Congress of the United States and ask for a charter, and so organize on a great scale throughout this nation, and disseminate this wonderful work that you have so nobly started. I will do all in my power to assist you in this application and with your work." 

The suggestion made by the President was adopted. An application was made to Congress for a charter, and the Order of Knights of Pythias was the first American Order ever chartered by an Act of the Congress of the United States. 


Famous Knights

  • Alexander P. Riddle | Lieutenant Governor of Kansas

  • Andrew Jackson "Jack" Pope | Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court

  • Benjamin Cardozo | Supreme Court Justice

  • Calvin Maples Cureton | Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court

  • Charles Schumer | U.S. Senator

  • Charles W. Miller | Indiana Attorney General

  • Choice Boswell Randell | U.S. Representative From Texas

  • Daniel James Moody, Jr. | Governor Of Texas

  • Ele Stansbury | Indiana Attorney General

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt | U.S. President

  • Hubert Humphrey | U.S. Vice President

  • Hugo Black | Supreme Court Justice

  • John Morris Sheppard | U.S. Senator From Texas

  • Oscar H. Montgomery | Indiana Supreme Court Justice

  • Ovie Clark Fisher | U.S. Representative From Texas

  • Nelson A. Rockefeller | U.S. Vice President

  • Park Trammell | U.S. Senator from Florida

  • Patrick Norris Neff | Governor of Texas

  • Tom T. Connally | U.S. Senator from Texas

  • Vincent Waggoner Carr | Texas Attorney General

  • Warren G. Harding | U.S. President

  • William Jennings Bryan | U.S. Secretary of State and Presidential candidate

  • William McKinley | U.S. President

What Charities do we support?

How do I apply for membership?                                      

You can fill in the online application on the Ask About Membership page.